LeelaQueenOdds vs Respectful_Dave
We’re excited to announce a queen odds exhibition bullet match between Leela and chess streamer CM David Maycock aka RespectfulDave.
- Sunday November 17, 4-6pm UTC
- Match will be played on Lichess between the accounts LeelaQueenOdds and CM Respectful_Dave.
- Leela is playing white, without a queen.
- 2 official rounds: first 10 games at 1’+1", then 10 games at adjusted time control depending on the first round’s result.
- Possible bonus round: arbitrary time control, potentially Leela playing black
Our goals for the match are to:
- let people know about our odds bots and that they are worthwhile opponents even for very strong players,
- demonstrate the improvements achieved by dedicated piece odds networks
- entertain the spectators with exciting and competitive games, and
- find ways we might improve the bot’s play in the future.
The match will be streamed (and potentially live commentated) at Dave’s YouTube channel.
Posted by: Naphthalin
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