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The networks below are our strongest available, and the first listed (BT4-spsa-1740) is what is currently being sent to engine competitions like the TCEC and CCC. In general, the largest network compatible with your hardware is recommended. To download, right click the corresponding link and select “Save link as…”

Network Size Purpose Filters Blocks GPU Memory Usage File Size Network
Very Large Large GPU 1024 15 4 GB 380 MB BT4-spsa-1740
Very Large Large GPU 1024 15 4 GB 330 MB BT4-1024x15x32h-swa-6147500
Large GPU 768 15 2.6 GB 190 MB BT3-768x15x24h-swa-2790000
Large GPU 768 15 2.4 GB 160-170 MB T82-768x15x24h-swa-7464000
Medium GPU/CPU 512 15 1.8 GB 150-155 MB t3-512x15x16h-distill-swa-2767500
Medium GPU/CPU 512 15 1.8 GB 140-150 MB T1-512x15x8h-distilled-swa-3395000
Small GPU/CPU 256 10 1.6 GB 30-40 MB T1-256x10-distilled-swa-2432500
Very Small Sparring vs. Humans ≤128 ≤10 - ≤10 MB see below

If you’re getting out of memory errors when using large networks on GPU, you can tell the engine to process positions in smaller chunks by adding --minibatch-size=16 to the lc0 command or config file. Alternatively, you can switch to a smaller network.

Note for DirectX12 and OpenCL backend users: The format of the networks in the list above is not supported. However, you can download and use the LC0 ONNX-DML version instead, see the included README file for instructions on how to get the directml.dll that can’t be included in the package for licensing reasons, or use one of the legacy nets listed below.

Legacy Nets

This section includes networks from older training runs. The strongest among these are T78 and T60. Some download links might be outdated.

In each section, the nets are listed roughly in descending order of strength. Some may be too close to tell apart.

30 blocks x 384 filters:

Name Source for Download Notes
Latest T60 after 606512 lczero.org run 1 networks Finished main run
hanse-69722-vf2 Contributed networks on Lc0 data Trained from 609722 on T60 data, value focus emphasizes positions with eval discrepancies. See here
J94-100 (outdated) Contributed networks on Lc0 data Based on Sergio-V networks, trained on T60 data + value repair method. TCEC22 DivP+SuFi net
SV-3972+jio-20k (outdated) Contributed networks on Lc0 data Submitted for TCEC 18 Superfinal
384x30-t60-3010 (outdated) Contributed networks on Lc0 data Won CCC13 and TCEC 17

24 blocks x 320 filters:

Name Source for Download Notes
T60 until 606511 lczero.org run 1 networks Finished main run
J13B.2-136 GitHub: jhorthos Leela Training “Terminator 2” Net

20 blocks x 256 filters:

Name Source for Download Notes
Leelenstein 15.0 15.0 Post No account required
SV-20b-t40-1541 removed Trained on T40 data
42850 training.lczero.org direct download Last T40 net

15/16 blocks x 192 filters:

Name Source for Download Notes
Latest T79 lczero.org run 2 networks Finished 2nd test run, LC0 v0.29 required
Latest T75 lczero.org run 3 networks Finished 3rd test run
Latest T76 lczero.org run 2 networks Finished 2nd test run
Latest T77 lczero.org run 2 networks Finished 2nd test run
J64-210 GitHub: jhorthos Leela Training Trained on T60 data
J20-460 GitHub: jhorthos Leela Training Trained on T40 data

10 blocks x 128 filters:

Name Source for Download Notes
Latest T74 lczero.org run 2 networks Finished 2nd test run
128x10-t60-2-5300 removed Trained on T60 data
Tinker TK-6430 Google Drive Trained on T60 data
Latest J104 net GitHub: jhorthos Leela Training Based on T70 network 703810, trained on T70 data + value repair method
703810 training.lczero.org direct download Last T70 net (not to be confused with T72)
591226 training.lczero.org direct download Last T59 net
Little Demon 2 data.lczero.org repository (LD2) JH nets also here

Assorted sizes:

Size Name Source for Download Notes
19b x 256f T71.5-Armageddon-Chess lczero.org run 3 network 715893 Trained from scratch on Armageddon Chess
19b x 256f T71.4-FischerRandomChess lczero.org run 3 network 714700 Trained from scratch on Fischer Random Chess
9b x 112f ID11258-112x9-se GitHub: dkappe Distilled Networks Other sizes also here
5b x 48f Good Gyal 5 GitHub: dkappe Bad Gyal Other sizes also here
2b x 16f Tiny Gyal GitHub: dkappe Bad Gyal Other sizes also here

If you still have questions, check the Discord channels. Be sure to specify your hardware and use case so the helpful regulars know what to recommend.

Last Updated: 2024-08-26